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renters (reform)

bill update

>> what will the Government's proposed Rental Reform Bill mean for landlords like you?

The Government has introduced a bill that aims to deliver “safer, fairer and higher quality homes” in the private rented sector. The bill is currently going through the parliamentary process, and it is expected to become law in 2024.

>> the bill includes a number of measures that will affect landlords, including:

  • Abolishment of Section 21 evictions: Section 21 is a current law that allows landlords to evict tenants without giving a reason. The bill will abolish Section 21, meaning that landlords will only be able to evict tenants for a valid reason, such as rent arrears or anti-social behaviour.
  • Introduction of a new Ombudsman: The bill will create a new Ombudsman to help resolve disputes between landlords and tenants. The Ombudsman will be able to investigate complaints and make recommendations for resolving disputes.
  • Launch of a new Property Portal: The bill will launch a new online Property Portal that will provide information about landlords and properties in the private rented sector. The Portal will include information such as the landlord's identity, the property's rental price, and the property's energy performance rating.
  • Enhancement of tenant rights: The bill will enhance the rights of tenants in a number of ways, including by giving tenants the right to request a pet and by prohibiting landlords from discriminating against tenants based on their income or family status.
  • The bill is a significant piece of legislation that will have a major impact on the private rented sector. Landlords should be aware of the changes that are proposed and should take steps to prepare for the implementation of the bill.

>> what are your next steps as a landlord?

While there is no imminent change that will affect landlords and tenants alike, the majority of landlord/tenant relationships will remain unaffected post any legislation changes.

There are a number of things that landlords can do to prepare for the implementation of the Rental Reform Bill.  These include:
  • Reviewing your tenancy agreements to ensure that they comply with the new law, contact your local branch and to see how we can help
  • Communicating with tenants about the changes that are proposed
  • Taking steps to improve the quality of properties

Landlords who take steps to prepare for the implementation of the Rental Reform Bill will be in a better position to manage the changes and continue to provide high-quality housing for tenants. 

We will communicate any further updates in due course but in the meantime, if you have any further questions contact your local branch

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Correct at time of publishing 30 May 2023
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